St. Paul’s is a welcoming and affirming church in the beautiful city of Milwaukee. Our congregation has been called, "a soft place to land" by several who have had poor past experiences with religion or "the Church." Join us on Sunday & find out what makes us different.
Weekly worship centers our week by making time for mindfulness, scripture, song, and prayer. Sitting with loving neighbors and joining voices creates hope for the new week ahead.
Join us on Sundays at 10:00 am in person at 2812 W Wisconsin Ave or watch along the livestream on our YouTube channel.

Core Values
All are welcome at God's table.
We know and believe that all are included when, in the beginning, God saw all that they had created and said "it is very good!" (Gen 1:31)
We value supporting God’s family through compassionate care and actions.
In true Lutheran spirit, we believe each individual has their own relationship with the God that made all.
We value justice and peace for all regardless of age, size, color or culture, sexual orientation or gender identity, socioeconomic status or merit, every ability and challenge.
We welcome believers and questioners, and questioning believers.